Why does HudsonDots “dot”?

In our pursuit of a brighter future, it's time to reimagine the way we approach affordable housing. The traditional models that once confined residents and perpetuated cycles of poverty are no longer acceptable. At the Spark of Hudson and Eutopia Foundation, we believe in fostering communities that empower and uplift all individuals.

Introducing HudsonDots—a visionary initiative that seeks to break free from the constraints of the past. Instead of concentrating affordable housing developments in isolated pockets, we are “dotting” properties throughout the city of Hudson. By doing so, we are creating vibrant communities that embrace diversity and provide equal opportunities for all.

Our mission is simple: to promote integration and unity among residents of different socioeconomic backgrounds. When people from all walks of life come together in shared neighborhoods, remarkable things happen. Connections are forged, communities are strengthened, and barriers are broken. This inclusive environment nurtures safety, enhances property values, and fosters a sense of belonging for everyone involved.

We are proud to align our work with organizations like YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard), advocating for the development of mixed-income housing and challenging discriminatory zoning laws. By standing together, we can dismantle the divisive practices of NIMBYism and create a future where vibrant, diverse, and inclusive communities flourish.

Join us in our journey to transform the landscape of affordable housing. Together, we can build a brighter tomorrow—a place where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, and our communities truly reflect the values of compassion, understanding, and unity.